Online tutor is someone who gives private instruction.

Online tutoring is the process of tutoring in an online, virtual, or networked, environment, in which teachers and learners participate from separate physical locations.Online tutoring is the means of teaching people within a virtual environment online and separates the student and teacher. This kind of approach to teaching is done using many different methodologies, ways and means and allows a tutor to teach a subject without any face-to-face interaction.

The definition of a tutor is a personal teacher, a teaching assistant or someone who helps a student catch up in a subject. Tutor is an private teacher, typically one who teaches a single pupil or a very small group. A tutor is someone who gives private instruction: Tutorteach one-on-one. If you ever helped someone learn something, you could say you tutored them."Tutor" is  also the title of someone who works with students one-on-one.Tutoring also sometimes means being the guardian for someone.
Tutor as a person who gives additional, special, or basic instruction. The purpose of tutoring is to help students help themselves, or to assist or guide them to the point at which they become an independent learner, and thus no longer need a tutor.
The goal of the tutoring is to help students overcome academic challenges and lead them to autonomous or independent learning. It is a special kind of teaching that is different from the teaching performed by teachers, friends, and parents.
The regular training programme is jointly planned by adult education advisory tutors and senior speech therapists. The program Chip was running included counselors and tutors and provided a wide range of services. The android tutor had a special location unit. The trainee, together with the in-bureau tutor, should work out and carry through a tailor-made course of study. Hourly-paid language tutors, too, face increasingly demanding employers. When she/he was ill she studied at home with a private tutor.vIn addition, the tutor can advise on alternative equipment or software which will perform the required functions more quickly or more effectively.vIn such company Minton stood out as the tutor with a more Continental outlook.vMake more use of your tutors - compile a list of queries and then arrange to see a tutor for help.
Tutors are responsible for helping students to understand different subjects. They assess, assist and encourage the students in the learning processes. These professionals also review materials used in classes, explain various topics, and answers all the doubts and questions of the student regarding to that topic.

How do you start a conversation with your teacher?

  1. Organize your thoughts. Before approaching your teacher, know what you want to talk about and how you're going to say it. 
  2. Schedule an appointment with your teacher. Just as you need to prepare yourself for the conversation, your teacher will appreciate prior notice as well. 
  3. Communicate effectively.

What are the qualifications for an online tutor job?
Tutors are generally subject matter experts on the subject they teach. Most employers require a minimum of a four-year degree to work as a tutor, but many require more than that. In some cases, college students land online tutoring jobs. Most K-12 tutors hold teaching certificates and master’s degrees. Some employers require a Ph.D. and others require a minimum score on college entrance exams such as the SAT or ACT. Classroom teaching experience or a state-issued teaching credential are sometimes needed.

How do I ask a teacher?

  1. Greeting:
  2. Say who you are, what grade your child is in, and one nice thing about their current classroom / classroom teacher.
  3. Explain 1 good thing about your child. 
  4. Thank them for considering your request.
  5. End with all of your contact information.
  6. Child's picture, optional.

Skills needed to succeed as an online tutor include:

  1. Active listening
  2. Instructing
  3. Reading comprehension
  4. Speaking
  5. Learning strategies

How do you tutor someone?

  • Get to know your tutees. Relax and enjoy yourself. Remember you want to establish a friendly, comfortable environment while remaining professional.
  • Be Patient. You may have to go over material more then once, but don't be discouraged. Remember, give the students time to think through questions and problems before you give them the correct answer.
  • Be punctual and bring all the necessary materials.
  • Give lots of praise. When students do well, tell them. Be specific about the praise. (Great job with that equation!)
  • Admit it if you don't know an answer. We don't expect you to know everything. If you make a mistake, admit it. You can refer the student to an instructor/TA, or try to find the answer before the next tutoring session. 
  • Listen. Give your full attention to the students. Actively listen to what they are saying, then paraphrase what they have said. This displays your interest in the tutee's learning process.
  • Make learning interesting. Use a variety of ways to explain the material and show your enthusiasm. Try to make the material more relevant to the tutee's life. See if you can present things in a different perspective then they were presented in class.
  • Avoid asking "yes" and "no" questions. They don't help anyone. Instead of "Do you understand what photosynthesis is?" say "Explain the process."
  • Set Goals. It is a good idea to set goals for each session. (This session will cover X and Y.) Also, set long term goals. (By the next exam you will be able to do X, Y, Z). This keeps the tutees focused and on task. Reinforce positive behaviors. Behaviors that are reward tend to be repeated.
  • Turn Questions Back. What do you think about that? Or how would you approach that?
  • Ask questions the tutee can answer as well as harder ones.
  • Display your excitement about the material.
  • Remember your tutee's privacy. Do not discuss your tutee's problems with other students or with the instructors unless you ask the tutee first.

How do I prepare for tutoring?

  • Schedule a consultation to get to know your student.
  • Prepare a brief pre-test to gauge your student's strengths and weaknesses. 
  • Break down your lesson plan into smaller, easy to digest sections. 
  • Build some time into the end of the session for a recap. 
  • Be sure to ask for feedback!

What personalities are best suited for online tutoring jobs?
People interested in tutoring students online usually share an interest in helping people, talking, and teaching. Other attributes of great tutors include being dependable and cooperative; having integrity, self-control, and a concern for others; and paying close attention to detail.
Online tutoring offers great flexibility and the opportunity to work from home.  Although some tutors work full-time, the majority of online tutors enjoy part-time, flexible schedules.

It is expected that tutors are supportive of the concepts of PBL and the self-directed approach as an effective method for learning and that they recognize the place of the tutorial as a forum for students to integrate information, obtain guidance and feedback.
The tutor is the facilitator of the tutorial process. The tutor is not a content expert but guides the group, ensures the participation of all the members and keeps it from going "way out in left field".

Tutor roles are primarily to:
1. Facilitate a learning climate that is open and non-threatening but nonetheless rigorous. The students should be comfortable enough to identify their difficulties openly, to challenge one another and to admit when they "don't know".
2. Be familiar with the learning objectives of both the Unit and the programme as a whole as a guide to progressive learning and a backdrop for evaluation.
3. Encourage critical thinking and ensure that the students' knowledge is challenged and probed.
4. Ensure that objective, rigorous but evidence based evaluation occurs in the Unit.
5. Recognize the evolving process of group development and the different roles that a facilitator plays at different stages.

Tutor responsibilities include:
1. Attending orientation sessions and regular meetings arranged for tutors
2. In consultation with group members determining when and where tutorials will take place
3. Identifying one person(s) to make the necessary room bookings and keep members of the group informed of administrative details.
4. Determining the group rules and structure of tutorials.

Tutor Skills include:
1. Facilitatory teaching through:

  • asking non-directive, stimulating questions, challenging students as appropriate
  • presenting consequences of student conclusions, opposing views, cues as necessary
  • indicating when additional external information is required
  • referring students to resources

2. Promoting group problem solving and critical thinking by helping students:

  • to examine a range of phenomena, from the molecular level to the family and
  • community level
  • to critically assess/appraise evidence supporting hypotheses
  • to define issues and synthesize information

3. Promoting efficient group function by:

  • assisting the group to set early goals and a plan which can be modified
  • sensing problems in tutorial function and helping the group to deal with them
  • making students aware of the need to monitor group progress
  • serving as a role model for productive ways of giving feedback

4. Promoting individual learning by:

  • helping students to develop a study plan, considering students goals and
  • programme goals
  • helping students improve study methods including the selection of appropriate learning resources

5. Evaluation through:

  • reviewing and clarifying course goals with the group
  • helping students define personal objectives
  • helping students select appropriate evaluation methods
  • reviewing demonstrated learning achievement and ensuring that the student gets feedback
  • reporting on individual student learning progress

Ace Your First Tutoring Session: Advice From A Real Life Tutor

1. Schedule a consultation to get to know your student.
Some of the most successful tutors we know book a consultation meeting with their students before the first true session to discuss expectations, pricing, and scheduling. This meeting can also help break the ice and can easily be done over the phone, video chat, or computer.
2. Prepare a brief pre-test to gauge your student’s strengths and weaknesses.
Creating a diagnostic pre-test can provide a great deal of insight on where upcoming sessions should focus. They can be as short and simple as a quiz or as in-depth as multiple questions pulled from a practice exam. This step can be done quickly and shouldn’t take more than the first 10 or 15 minutes of your session.
3. Break down your lesson plan into smaller, easy to digest sections.
Keep in mind that your student may not do well in a traditional lecture-based environment. Breaking up your lesson into well-defined sections is a great way to keep attention levels higher and will be much easier for students to follow (and for you to teach). Plus, digesting material in intervals can result in your students feeling a sense of accomplishment.
4. Build some time into the end of the session for a recap.
Verbally go over the material you’ve just covered at the end of each lesson. Have your student recite the main points and key takeaways. It may sound repetitive, but talking out loud about a concept often helps it stick.
5. Be sure to ask for feedback!
Finally, always ask for input at the end of a lesson. If your student is truly motivated, they will tell you what they want or need more help with. They might ask for some new material or tell you to pick up the pace! Asking for a student’s feedback can also strengthen your relationship and help you become more comfortable working with one another.
It’s normal to feel anxious about your first tutoring session, but if you follow the above steps, it’ll calm your nerves and help ensure your first lesson is a breeze.

What skills do tutors need?
There are a lot of different roles in education, requiring different skills. Here,we look at the skills you need to be a teacher, trainer or tutor.
1. Communication
A huge part of teaching is communicating information. It might be verbal, written, or via any other route from practical demonstrations to artistic interpretation – whatever gets your point across.
How to develop it: 

  • Telephone jobs, such as calling alumni for donations or volunteering for a peer support line, develop your verbal communication skills and build your confidence. 
  • Join a debating society, a student council,  or even an improv group.
  • Join a student magazine or take responsibility for a society website. 

2. Patience
People learn at all different rates. If you have to explain something seven times in seven different ways before it sticks, that’s just part of the job. And when faced with challenging behaviour, you need to stay calm and patient and not lose your temper.
How to develop it:

  • Patience is one of those inherent character traits – but it is possible to improve yours. Practise thinking before you speak, or make patience your goal for the day.

3. Creativity
People learn best when they’re doing something fun and interesting. It’s up to you to be creative in your approach, finding novel and enjoyable ways for your students to learn.
How to develop it:

  • Take up an artistic hobby, like painting, music or drama.
  • Get used to sharing ideas and brainstorming when you have a problem – it’s a skill that will help you connect with your colleagues in future and come up with more creative solutions.
  • Get inspiration. Take any opportunity to volunteer in a classroom and learn from the teacher’s approach.

4. Enthusiasm
Your enthusiasm is infectious. If you love your subject and your job, you’ll be able to engage the people you teach.
How to develop it:

  • It’s hard to fake enthusiasm, so aim to teach a subject you love.
  • If you have to do something boring, turn it into something you can be enthusiastic about – make a game of data entry, or write poems to help you memorise facts.
  • In your studies, look for ways you can go above and beyond. Read books that aren’t on the reading list, take on extra projects, and show that you love what you do.

5. Confidence
Children can smell fear… no, just kidding. Confidence helps you when you’re standing up and directing a class, whether your students are kids or adults. A lot of education sector jobs involve public speaking, so confidence is a must.
How to develop it:

  • Try new things and set yourself challenges. If you can do things that scare you, you can handle anything.
  • Confident people can be themselves without worrying about pleasing others and fitting in. If you find this hard, experiment with saying the words, ‘No,’ and ‘I disagree’.

6. Dedication
There’s no denying that teaching can be tough at times. If you’re dedicated to helping your students succeed, you’ll be able to keep up your energy levels and avoid getting discouraged.
How to develop it:

  • Work on your empathy. When you put yourself in someone else’s shoes you can better understand why they’re struggling.

7. Conflict resolution
Especially in secondary schools, this can be a big part of the job. If you can defuse tense situations before they explode, you be able to handle it when teenagers upset each other or test your authority. 
How to develop it:

  • You’ll learn behaviour management skills during your teacher training, but there’s no harm in getting a head start. Find a workshop, or read up on tips online and try to apply them in everyday life.
  • Many volunteering positions will offer you conflict resolution training, particularly if you’ll be working with children or teenagers.
  • Be aware of how you act. If you end up in a conflict at work, with your friends or during a project, sit down afterwards and think about how you reacted and what you might do differently next time.

8. Organisation
If you’re a schoolteacher, organisation skills will help you to fit marking and lesson planning around your school hours, and file and reuse the resources you develop.
How to develop it:

  • Practise organisation while you study. If a friend asked to borrow your lecture notes, would you know where to find them straight away? If not, sit down and work out a system.
  • Keep your calendar up-to-date and plan out how you’ll fit your to-do list items into each day. (Don’t have a to-do list? That’s another thing to work on.)

And finally…
Some teachers are loud and energetic, others quiet and dedicated, and all can make a difference in their own way. You don’t have to fit the mould perfectly to be a great teacher.

What is Teach First?
Teach First is a charity designed around the belief that all children have a right to a good education. The Teach First Leadership Development Programme (LDP) is one of the key tools they use to bring this about.
A place on the Teach First LDP is a two-year commitment. You’ll work in one of the schools where you’ll be the most valuable, and you’ll train on the job. You’ll learn how to teach, and you’ll gain the business and leadership skills, mentors and connection you’ll need after your placement ends. You’ll come out of the experience with a full teaching qualification (the PGCE) – meaning that you have the option to continue teaching if you decide it’s right for you.
About half of people on the Teach First programme continue as teachers. For the others, the experience isn’t over. After Teach First, you join the alumni network and become a Teach First Ambassador. Whatever job you end up in, you use your new position to advocate for change and equality in education.

The Structure of the Teach First LDP
A 6-week Summer Institute. At this residential summer programme you’ll be immersed in teaching and learning theory. You’ll train in classroom management and the other skills you need to teach, and you’ll visit schools to watch experienced teachers put the theory into practice.

  • Year 1 – the PGCE. While working in a school and earning a salary, you’ll gather the evidence and assessments you need to give you Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Through additional mentorship and training you’ll develop the leadership skills you began to build during the Summer Institute.
  • Year 2 – qualified teacher. While you work in your school, you have the opportunity begin a 2-year Masters in leadership (the exact degree title depends on your university). You’ll also continue to hone your leadership skills.

Teaching prepares you to lead:
According to major accountancy firm PwC:
 “Two years teaching at a school in challenging circumstances will prepare you for anything that a career with us could throw at you.”
Teach First partners with employers who recognise the value of the skills you develop during the programme. You could be eligible for deferred entry and summer internships with many major companies during or after your Teach First placement.
Or if you prefer, you could put your leadership skills to fulfilling use by leading a class of children. Teaching can be a career for life, or a career for just two years. It’s up to you.
And finally…
Teach First places fill up fast and competition in some subjects is fierce. If you’re interested, get started with your preparation straight away. 

4 Qualities of a Good Tutor
In order for the tutoring sessions to be efficient, it is essential that a good relationship be established between the tutor and the student. Often, this relationship is created quickly, but at other times, it may take a few sessions before the student opens up. The success of this relationship reveals the personalities of each of them, but it also demonstrates the tutor’s pedagogical qualities. School Success presents five essential ones here!
Adaptability (flexibility, adjustability, versatility)
With individual tutoring, you must adapt yourself to every case. Since there is no pre-determined formula, the tutor’s approach must depend on the student’s need and the particular difficulties he or she experiences. Throughout the sessions, the tutor will have to re-evaluate the student’s objectives as they progress. It is therefore important not to be afraid of creating a new action plan that will be better adapted to each new situation.
Energy (motivation, enthusiasm, interpersonal skills)
In order to establish a good relationship, the tutor must be an energetic person, someone with a lot of enthusiasm with respect to human interactions. This interest will certainly have a positive impact on a child discouraged by school and his or her bad grades. Through his or her good mood and motivation, the tutor will be a model for success, inciting the child to imply himself or herself more and do better at school.
Openness (accessibility, availability, involvement, empathy)
Listening to the needs of the child and demonstrating openness will help to better understand a student’s situation. Inquiring about the context (academic situation, environment at school, at home, etc.) allows the adoption of a more appropriate follow-up and the better use of work methods. The tutor’s involvement and presence offers support for a student in trouble and will make the student feel valued. The tutor’s openness must demonstrate their accessibility and involvement. A good tutor must be curious by and interested in the student they are helping.
Humility (respect, discernment, acceptance)
Even though we think we have most of the subject matter on the tips of our fingers, it may happen that some concepts escape us. It’s normal, we can’t know everything, and we must be able to recognize this. It is in fact preferable to tell the student that we don’t know the answer rather than guess it. In other situations, where the personalities don’t mix or when the sessions are not producing the desired affect, it is important to take a step back and admit that we may not be the right person to help this student.

How do I find a tutor in my area?
Ways to Find a Tutor: 

  1. Contact the School. The family resource center at your child's school will have information on where to find tutors, both through the school system and through private companies. 
  2. Consider Peer Tutors. 
  3. Look for Tutoring Agencies.
  4. Contact Nonprofit Organizations. 
  5. Spread the world.

Intellectual Scope and Depth
Tutors learn the subject matter they tutor to an even greater degree than the students with whom they work. In order to tutor, you must learn the material well enough to answer any questions the students might have. "To do that, you will probably have to learn it from a number of vantage points. This continuous process of studying, tutoring and studying will provide you with a truly solid mastery of the subject. You will also become self-confident from mastering a subject well enough to tutor it.
Skills Acquisition and Reinforcement
By tutoring, you gain skills and specific techniques that make your reading, writing, and speaking more effective. Tutoring reinforces your ability to communicate clearly, logically, and creatively. Tutoring exposes you to different learning styles, such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic (tactile) or a combination of styles. You will also become more aware of your personal learning style.
Psychological Insight
The greatest benefit of tutoring is not merely the acquisition of academic knowledge. Tutoring includes gaining knowledge of oneself and others. Intellect and emotion are interrelated. Often students let emotional problems interfere with their studies, and difficulties with their studies may result in emotional upsets. Understanding which behavior aid and which behaviors hinder learning is a hard-won but valuable lesson.
Career Development
Tutoring allows you the opportunity to develop intellectually, psychologically, and personally. Tutors mature and gain self-confidence as they work. They develop the ability to get along with others by gaining skills of communication, mediation and negotiation. Even if you do not ultimately work in the field you tutor, you will find that you feel more comfortable about working in a professional setting as a result of your tutoring experience.